Master Gym
Stay Active
Last Updated 4/6/21
Space Efficient
In today's society, people don't have the items or space to exercise. With Master Gym, you don't need much space and we put many substitutes for items. If you live in an apartment or want to use house-hold materials instead of spending money, Master Gym can help.
Exercise Variety
Many people don't know many exercises other than running, jumping jacks, etc.. Master Gym provides a wide variety of exercises, games, and Breathing/yoga material. If you feel like you don't have any idea or want more variety in your workouts, Master Gym is a perfect solution.
Family and Community
Family and friends make a community. While this website can help with exercise, you and your friends and family and post videos of yourselves playing fun, active games!
Share Your Creativity!
Creativity is useless unless you share it with the world. Master Gym's focus is to help. You can too. On this child-friendly safe website you can post your own videos to inspire others!
Contact to send your videos and photos and questions!